NAgase Osamu

Nagase is a long-time advocate for the rights of people with disabilities.
He is the former Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific (2004-2016). During this term he promoted self-advocacy, with a special focus on the less developed areas.
He was awarded Honorary life membership in 2016 for his valuable contribution.
Nagase currently also serves as the Chair of the Membership Committee.
Nagase works for Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto as a Professor.
He also serves as the Co-chair of East Asia Disability Studies Forum, Vice-Chair of Japan Disability Forum, and as a Board Member of Japan Society for Disability Law and Japan Society for Disability Studies.
He has been:
- Development volunteer in Kenya
- Official Secretary for a Member of Parliament in Japan
- Junior Professional Officer at United Nations
- Peacekeeper in Cambodia
- Election Monitor in Palestine and
- Inaugural Chair of International Committee of Inclusion Japan.